
Program Overview

As companies continue to expand and become more complex due to globalization, the demand for engineers with management skills is increasing. Successful engineering projects require not only technical expertise but also project management skills, collaboration, and communication skills; and according to the latest research, there is a shortage of engineers with management skills. Waey International Academy MSc in Engineering program is designed to help bridge this market gap and provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices of engineering management, with critical skills needed for leadership roles in engineering organizations. The overall program is comprehensive, covering a range of topics in engineering management, while its core coursework focuses on effectively managing personnel, operations and finances, all within the context of engineering. 


The MSc. Engineering Management program at Waey International Academy offers you a triple reward: a 33-credits’ degree, a 12-credit diploma and a 18-credits advanced diploma plus optional dissertation path for dual degree and\or specialization, providing courses designed with direct impact on your work as a professional in engineering fields. You can study on a part-time or full-time basis to fit studies into your busy schedules. You can choose between a general degree and degree with specialization to boast your minor engineering task.


The Master of Science in Engineering Management degree program at Waey International Academy has been designed according to the guidelines of the American Society for Engineering Management (ASEM), Engineering Management Master’s Program Certification Academic Standards. ASEM is a global professional society dedicated to the promotion and advancement of the engineering and technical management profession.

Title of the Awarded Degree

MSc Engineering Management

Program Structure

Diploma in Engineering Management (12 credits) Advanced Diploma in Engineering Management (18 credits) Graduate Research (3 credits) There is also an optional thesis stage for those who required more specialization in their field of study and degree obtained which offers an additional 12 credits.​

Course Duration

Full-time 1 year or Part-time 2 years

Credits hours

3 credit hours for general track plus 12 optional to choose specialization

Degree Path

Diploma in Engineering Management (12 credits) Advanced Diploma in Engineering Management (18 credits) Graduate Research (3 credits) There is also an optional thesis stage for those who required more specialization in their field of study and degree obtained which offers an additional 12 credits.​

Language of Instruction


?Why MSc. In Engineering Management from Waey International Academy

  • Three levels of professionalism that leads to each other: Diploma, advanced diploma and masters in engineering management in the same time at the
    same cost.

  • Eligibility to add to your area of specialization through dissertation.

  • Curriculum follows ASEM’s Engineering Management Body of Knowledge (EMBOK) to prepare you for engineering management Leadership Positions

  • Upon graduation from our program you are ready for ASEM’s examination to
    become a Certified Professional in Engineering Management (CPEM).



  • Tests are held at the end of each quarter and are in an open book system through essay questions and/or multiple-choice questions. The results of the tests are calculated as 60% towards the final grade obtained by the student for each subject.

  • The student must complete one practical task for the practical applications of each subject, and it counts as 20% towards the final grade obtained by the student for this subject.

  • The student is committed to attending the LMS once a week for 11 weeks, and attendance grades are calculated at 20% towards the final grade obtained by the student along with homework and extra curricula readings required per subject.

  •  Students who were unable to sit for the first-intake exams are entitled to join the
    second-intake exams for each quarter, provided that the reason is compelling,
    and the “I” symbol will be placed on the unofficial transcript until the student
    completes the exam that was unable to complete on its announced date.

Program Structure: 

To be granted the MSc. Engineering Management degree from Waey International Academy, you should pass the below courses with overall GPA: 3.0 or higher. The thesis stage is optional for those who required more specialization in their field of study and degree obtained. Holding a thesis in one of the specified area below qualify you to obtain dual degree in the same field.

General Core Courses 
Required for Diploma Pathway (total of 12 credits)

  • Essentials of Engineering Management

  • Strategy for Engineering & Technology 

  • Capital Budgeting and Cost Analysis 

  • Human Resources Management in Engineering

Other Core Courses (18 credits)
Required for Advanced Diploma Pathway (total of 30 credits)

  • Quantitative Analysis for Management

  • Advanced Quality Management 

  • Advanced Engineering Economics 

  • Work Design & Productivity Engineering

  • Production and Operations Management

  • Advanced Project Management 

Graduate Research Courses (3 credits)
Required for the Masters Pathway (total of 33 credits) 

  • Quantitative and Qualitative Research for Engineers

  • Comprehensive Exam

Thesis (12 credits) 
Required for the Masters with Specialization Pathway (total of 45 credits)
Dissertation held under qualified supervisors in one of the following specializations areas: 
Agriculture – Sustainability and Environmental Management – Processing Engineering – Communication and Cyber Security – Electronics – Automatic Control – Energy – Materials – Food Processing – Industrial Engineering – Mechanical Engineering – Electric Engineering

  • Thesis Proposal  

  • Thesis  

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